Camino to Ireland

Today has been a day of travel. I went from Los Arcos to Logroño. My bus was late so I missed my second bus to Madrid. There was another one at 12:45 PM and I got that one. Four hours later I arrived in Madrid. I went and found a new suitcase because I had been carrying my possessions in a bag that I found in the back room of the hotel. I gave away my hiking shoes in Los Arcos because the hikers I had were murder on my foot. The walking I did in my sandals hurt like the dickens at the beginning, but settled in after a bit. I somehow suspect that a little bit later tonight I will regret that walking. I have found some new shoes! Skechers. There were several other brands, but these are recognized. Soft on the bottom, and more importantly, soft on the top.

I have stayed in some very nice places the last several nights. However, the hotel I’m staying at in Madrid is a paradise. I’m sitting down, waiting on my octopus to be delivered for my supper. I’m thinking it’s going to be delicious although you who have issues with my mackrel during the week may not find it so appetizing.

I continue to think about many things. We really don’t change. We are who we are and we fight the battles. It doesn’t matter where you are, your demons will follow you. If you pray that those demons might release you and they remain, does that mean that you are a complete loss and destined for level nine? Or does that mean that Saint Paul heard correctly, “My grace is sufficient for thee.” Do we continue to fight against the demons? I look at the person that I am, and I wonder, is this really who God wants me to be? I can’t imagine the person that I am is satisfying to Him. We desire to be more but… all that remains is who we are…. hold that thought, supper has arrived…

I absolutely complained to the management. It was a terrible supper. The baby octopus was two days too old. Horrible. I ate it so that I would not embarrass the chef. For those of you who know that I eat mackerel out of a can, please know that this was even better, and if I could get it in a can, I would be eating it every day! Just for the record.

I see that I have mentioned this earlier, so I am just rambling now… Before I arrived at my hotel, I purchased a new suitcase and a new pair of sneakers. My foot is very appreciative of the new sneakers. The suitcase actually contains everything after the great purge. I got rid of my backpack and many of the items that I needed for the long walk. However, I was left with a small day pack, and it was bursting at the seams. It made it this far, but I think it had just about met its maker.

When I walked into the luggage store and the shoe store, they both looked at me as though I did not belong. That is something worth preaching on. However, when they realized that I could actually pay… do you remember that scene from Pretty Woman, apparently they did… they helped me out.

I have been rambling all day long. My apologies. Not great writing. However, I’ve been struggling from one place to the next and I’m just about to the place where I can stop. I need a haircut. I need a shower. I need somebody to trim my eyebrows (I can’t be that shaggy English guy!) I need about a 12 hour nap. Who doesn’t? We go too hard. We must learn to find peace and rest…………

I do not believe that we know how to breathe. I think we try so hard to prove to the world and to ourselves… What?… Something.… That we are… Important? Have relevance? Deserve to be heard?…

… Maybe we just want the world to know that we exist or existed? Maybe we are all the good thief who cries out in all desperation, “Remember me.” …… I’m talking to myself now…..

Wait! I forgot about my white crane this morning. She/he was sitting on their nest at the top of the bell tower in Los Arcos. A beautiful bird, and so very peaceful to watch. So high up that she/he did not care that we were down below observing them.

If you do not hear from me in the next six months, start searching for my body in this area of Ireland. I’ll be headed there tomorrow.

Sleep well. know that God loves you.

My scars hurt. 

19 Replies to “Camino to Ireland”

  1. I think we change constantly. Are you different now than when you were 20?

    God is happy with you just as you are. Enjoying his creation and being honest about your thoughts and feelings.

    Have a pint of Guinness for me!

  2. Don’t loose heart. I pray that St Paul was correct because my demons seem to remain. Sketchers are great, but take it easy on the foot. I know the look you got in the luggage store store, but then you never know how I am going to be dressed in public🤷 And as for Mackerel out of a can… well there is just no accounting for taste! Blessings!🙏

  3. John

    I am so sorry that things have turned out this way. I I hope that there will still be a beautiful and spiritual experience waiting for you as you heal. We really never are who God has created us to be but thank God he gives us our whole life to try…



  4. Please keep on rambling. Your honest heart felt thoughts are beautiful.

    Dinner was very interesting. Thank goodness for the ice cream and chocolate. Hummm …did you have to get a different wine for dessert or does the same wine pair well with chocolate & octopus?

  5. St. Patrick will await you.

    An Old Irish Blessing for St. Patrick’s Day

    May your days be many and your troubles be few.

    May all God’s blessings descend upon you.

    May peace be within you, may your heart be strong.

    May you find what you’re seeking wherever you roam.

    May the strength of God pilot us, may the wisdom of God instruct us.

    May the hand of God protect us, may the word of God direct us.

    May thy Salvation, O Lord, be always ours this day and for evermore.


    Written by St. Patrick.

    have a safe trip and blessings


  6. After a long day of family errands and tending to the home, prepping for summer outdoors, I sat and read your post! Absolutely loved it and could feel pain and taste the Macral in the can. Will join the search party in Ireland for you body if you come up missing 😬😇🙏🏽


  7. Thinking of you and wondering how you are and where you are and if everything is OK including the fractured foot. 

    Best wishes for your continuing sabbatical.  

    Linda Pickens. 


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    1. Thank you. I do believe the foot is coming along. I gave it some exercise yesterday at the cliffs. Did not bother me too much. However, I could tell if I would’ve gone much more that it would have started giving me grief. Nursing it along.

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