Camino: a day in Los Arcos

It only looks like I need to wash my feet, but it is actually a bruise on my right foot brought on by a stress fracture. The swelling was enough this morning that I could barely get my sandal on. I did not try my shoes.

And, yes, I am aware that I have finger toes, and that there is a massive gap where another toe could fit in.

What does this all mean? I am seeking further advice from a podiatrist. I have to be out of this hotel by noon tomorrow so things could happen quickly.

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller.

Stick with me my blog reading friends, we have a change of plans. Two to four weeks of little walking or it will be a couple of months in a boot. I choose to rest, and what better place to rest than the Irish countryside. I’ll be there for three to four weeks, then we’ll see what’s next. Heck, I already have an invitation from friends to meet them in Vienna and I’m definitely still planning on Norway. Regardless of the aches and pains, life is very good. Love living it.

Tomorrow is mostly travel: hotel to bus stop (car), Los Arcos to Logroño (bus), Logroño to Madrid (bus… about 4.5 hours), and Uber to hotel. The flight to Dublin leaves Saturday morning.

Dora sent me this one…

I do believe that I will. Can’t wait!

22 Replies to “Camino: a day in Los Arcos”

  1. Detours can expose you to experiences you might otherwise have missed, so enjoy! You are still in my prayers. And I am still pondering the love/desire quote…

  2. must be disappointing to leave the camino. As they say, the world is unfolding as it should whether we understand it or not.

    cheers and carry on!

  3. your trip to Santiago finished? I hope your feet will be all well soon again. Will pray for you. Sorry things are not as you wished it to be. At least, I thought so that you planned on going to Santiago. 

    je zult zeker veel van Europa👍 zien, een veilige reis. Dacht je eraan om op blote voeten te lopen? Ze zijn erg comfortabel en hebben een brede toebox Altra is erg niet, vivobarefoot. Succes hoe dan ook

  4. So sorry, but it’s just a little curveball on the road to the rest of your life. You’ve got this and we’re behind you all the way! Enjoy the detour that is happening for a reason. 

  5. Father John, Sorry to hear about your stress fracture. It’s one of those things that resolves with rest, which of course means a delay in walking 400 more miles. Your journey has taken a detour and that will be lovely. Enjoy your time in Ireland and Norway and I know I will be following those travels if you still choose to post. Good Luck! Gwen V

    1. Thank you. I could whine and complain, but how foolish would that be? A grand adventure, and every adventure must have a few challenges. Just ask Bilbo!

  6. Well darn! However …. I also believe that these things happen for a reason. Your detour will bring you wonderful unplanned adventures. Those are the absolute best. 

    Take care of yourself and please continue your updates.

    1. I said more than darn this morning while in the midst of my solo pity party, but then I got to looking forward to all the opportunities that were opening up. Will definitely keep posting about the journey.

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